Family-Professional Collaboration

Family-Professional Collaboration

Family-professional collaboration supports opportunities for both relationship building and the active participation of parents and practitioners in achieving mutually agreed upon goals. The collaborative efforts build and strengthen family and professional capacity to provide or mediate the provision of resources, supports, and services that ensure inclusion of children with disabilities in typical school and community activities.

This landing pad highlights research, policies, and position statements (Why Do It?), print materials (Read All About It), videos and DVDs (See for Yourself), and web resources (Find It Online) to support the acquisition and application of information related to this evidence-based practice.

Click on [more] to discover additional resources in each category. Click [here] to download the landing pad resources as a document.

Why Do It?

  • Dunst, C. J., & Trivette, C. M. (2009). Meta-analytic structural equation modeling of the influences of family-centered care on parent and child psychological health. International Journal of Pediatrics, 2009, 1-9.

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