Assistive Technology (AT)
Assistive Technology (AT)
AT interventions involve a range of strategies to promote a child’s access to learning opportunities, from making simple changes to the environment and materials to helping a child use special equipment. Combining AT with effective teaching promotes the child’s participation in learning and relating to others.
This landing pad highlights research, policies, and position statements (Why Do It?), print materials (Read All About It), videos and DVDs (See for Yourself), and web resources (Find It Online) to support the acquisition and application of information related to this evidence-based practice.
Click on [more] to discover additional resources in each category. Click [here] to download the landing pad resources as a document.
Why Do It?
- Trivette, C. M., Dunst, C. J., Hamby, D. W., & O’Herin, C. E. (2010). Effects of different types of adaptations on the behavior of young children with disabilities. Tots n Tech Research Institute. Research Brief 4(1). more resources
Read All About It
- Mulligan,S. (2003). Assistive technology: Supporting the participation of children with disabilities. Beyond the Journal: Young Children on the Web. resources
See for Yourself
- CONNECT Module 5: Assistive Technology
- Family Center on Technology and Disability (presentations) more resources
Find It Online
- AT for infants/toddlers
- AT for preschool more resources