The Big Picture: A Planning Guide for Cross-Sector Early Childhood Professional Development Systems
The Big Picture Planning Guide is a tool designed to support a state-level planning process that leads to a single, integrated, professional development system, across all early childhood sectors. The planning guide provides a four-step sequence for considering the key components and contexts of a statewide early childhood professional development system. A definition and conceptual framework for professional development are included, as well as suggestions for facilitation, guiding questions, key considerations, and planning forms. Download the tool below.
Two complimentary tools, based on the National Professional Development Center for inclusion’s (NPDCI) framework for professional development (PD), are available to assist in gathering and summarizing information about statewide PD practices as part of cross-sector planning: For detailed information about the Matrix and the Landscape see Tools for Planning Cross-Sector Professional Development in Early Childhood: FAQ
Download copies of the Landscape and the Matrix below:
- The Planning Matrix for Early Childhood Professional Development
- The Landscape: A Statewide Survey for Providers of Professional Development